Mortenson/Scull to hold Contractor Forum for Expansion Project

May 03, 2019

Mortenson/Scull to hold Contractor Forum for Expansion Project


(RAPID CITY, SD – May 3, 2019) – M.A. Mortenson and Scull Construction Service, the Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) for the Civic Center Arena Expansion Project are holding a Contractor Forum, Wednesday, May 22nd at 4pm in LaCroix Hall.

Representatives from Mortenson/Scull, as well as the design team and owner representatives will be present to give an overview of the project, the tentative bidding and construction schedules, and information regarding the procurement process moving forward. Following a brief presentation, the team will be available to answer questions regarding the project and timeline.

This Forum is open to all contracting firms that are interested in serving on the project in a sub-contractor capacity. 

"A project of this magnitude is going need all hands on deck, and this Forum is a great way for local contractors to learn about how they can get involved.  It also happens to be an unofficial kick-off to the construction phase of this project, which we cannot wait to get started." said Civic Center Director Craig Baltzer.


Any questions about the Forum can be directed to Jake Losett of Scull Construction at or 605-342-2379.